gamma eta gamma / Law School

The Burglary

So I completely forgot to write about the robbery – the gamma house was robbed Friday morning.

I came downstairs around 4am to make breakfast and one of the 3L’s was watching TV.

We had the “Oh shit you’re still up? Oh shit you’re all ready up?” conversation and then he went to bed.

I made breakfast, watched the news, then left for the library around 5am.

Sometime between 5am and 7:30am (when the others woke up) someone ripped open our screen, opened the window, and slid into the house.

The burglar stole the 3L’s backpack and one of the 1L’s bikes.

Now 5am is a weird time, even for a crackhead, to break into a house.

The 3L thinks the robber was outside for a while and waited for the TV to turn off. Which means that the burglar was looming around and watched me leave. Eek.

Police reports were filed, the 3L already has a new backpack, and we triple-check the windows every night.

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