Judd / Minneapolis-St. Paul / Take Three

The waiting game

It’s 5pm and I’m sitting in a Mexican-operated Italian restaurant on Lake Street.

A Spanish announcer rattles over the soccer game on the restaurant’s TV. The announcer’s voice isn’t as loud as the restaurant’s music: Tina Turner’s Greatest Hits. The front part of the restaurant was empty, but snickers came from the pool room.

So it was just me, Tina Turner, and the soccer commentator. Perfectly random.

The place was cute enough:Mexican-Italian restaurant
Mexican-Italian restaurant

And a diet fail:
Mexican-Italian restaurant
The waiter told me the special was the seafood-something-or-other. I figured that the burger wouldn’t make me sick. I was wrong, but it was delicious.

I was at the Mexican-Italian restaurant because I was waiting on TiresPlus to fix my flat tire.

This is the week of waiting. It took my Family Law professor 40 minutes to figure out how to work the VCR to show us a documentary. The school clinic had staffing issues so my 20 minute appointment took 2 hours, and getting a new tire took close to 3 hours.

These unexpected pauses are made much better by the crackberry, and I’m glad to have it. I have never been so caught up on email and tweets. I figure if I can do something mildly productive during my waiting time, even if it’s responding to emails or tweets, then it’s not time lost…or at least I can get a new high score on Brick Breaker.

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