Amber ended law school on a high note:
Me: “You finished! Congrats! How does it feel to finish law school?”
Amber: “I…I don’t know. I don’t feel anything…”
Me: “Excitement?”
Amber: “No, well, …no. Nothing. I feel shell shocked. I mean, I think I am excited, but I don’t feel it. It’s like people who go to war…”
Me: “…what?”
Amber: “It’s like coming out of a war because I just feel like I need to go home and cry and wallow in my PTSD.”
Me: “…oh my.”
Amber: “Yes. I know. It’s all very traumatizing. I’ll be happy tomorrow. Maybe.”
Other Amber posts:

Further Reading...
OTR: the Widow Makers (Torts)
November 19, 2008
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