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Best Week Ever 2: Mischeduled

My schedule is a disaster.

I scheduled afternoon classes so I could exercise and work in the mornings. That plan feels ridiculous now.

The problem is that my professors love scheduling and re-scheduling things for the 12:15-1pm time slot, which makes the 30 minute drive to the office not worth it if I wake up after 7am. (Which happens a lot.)

I also underestimated the amount and type of work I signed up for. Sure, I only have 12 credits, but my schedule is beholden to weekly assignments and “special projects.” I am constantly in the library cursing the decrepit computers and lack of staples.

The odd weekday schedule meant that my weekend consisted of marathon days at work. I’d walk the dogs, spend 8-10 hours at work, come back, walk the dogs, and veg out on trashy reality TV. Hardly the relaxed 3L schedule I imagined.

Despite the odd schedule,  I still made time to make an appearance at Lush bar with a gaggle of law students, and I also attended Classafrass, the drag show at the Townhouse bar:

classafrass drag show

Some weirdness went down at that show – one of the drag queens who looks like Tila Tequila decided to perform Madonna’s “Erotic.” Tila’s performance was… well, true to the song.

And then comes a barefoot old man with the old-man shakes. Tila makes him part of the show. It’s unspeakably awkward. Pictures after the jump.

classafrass drag show

classafrass drag show

Oh my goodness. Stay classy St. Paul.

I don’t know if I can make the show this week. We’ll see if I make time.

Sunday was my day to regroup. I spent a chunk of the day recording for Listener’s Discretion Advised, a podcast that hosted by Margie Pederson and which features some of the most hilarious personalities in Minneapolis. I’ll post the episodes when they are released!

Update: A reader pointed out that I forgot to mention that I saw a pedestrian run over by Dunn Brothers. That story is here.


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