3L Fall Summaries / blackberry pictures / dogs / Minneapolis-St. Paul / picture of the day

Best Week Ever 6: The Ride

Harley does a great impression of my exhaustion:

tired bullmastiff

Every one of my classes had a special assignment this week, including a presentation that was just shy of an hour long. I am so glad that is over.

I spent the majority of the weekend catching up on work at the office, did the 32-mile bike trek to Eagan today, and I am exhausted.

I also got social this week at Jetset, Lush, and the Eagle…although the hipsters got a little extreme at Jetset last night. There was interpretive dance, ballet-hoisting, and some just plain unnecessary ground grinding.

The hipsters had fun, so we’ll call this a judge-free-zone, especially since my side of the bar got ignorant once Beyonce’s video phone came on.

Love it.

And one of the highlights of the week was running into online friends at the club. They say the darnest things. For example:

Maria: “You look a lot less shiny than you do online. I’m not saying you wear makeup or anything, but you just look…less shiny.”

And even more randomly:

Jorde: “I can tell you probably get cheated on a lot. I’d cheat on you.”

I did the smile and nod combo, although I was really thinking, “what the hey?”

And for the record, no, I do not wear makeup.

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