3L Fall

Getting it done

Laptop and iced coffee at a cafe by Startup Stock Photos via StockSnap

It is the final stretch of the semester.

I am at the Spyhouse to write the first of the last three papers of my law school career and I’m bewildered. The paper is for my death penalty seminar. It is due on Friday, and I have never been so thoroughly disinterested in a class or topic. Strickland, Lockhart, AEDPA, 28 U.S.C. § 2254(d) deference…I can’t be bothered.

Call it senioritus, call it vitamin-D deficiency induced surliness. Call it Beyonce. It doesn’t matter. This thing will get written and whining about it isn’t helpful. Every time I get crabby about an assignment I just remind myself that doing homework for a supposedly elite law school is a very charmed problem to have.

So I’m watching the Dog Days Are Over video one more time and getting this done. I just hope the cute guy by the window ignores the Charlie Brown-grimace on my face.


  • Gary
    November 24, 2010 at 10:32 pm

    Minnesota has the death penalty?

    • Jansen
      November 26, 2010 at 12:38 am

      Well, yes and no. There’s no state death penalty but in theory, since there is a federal death penalty, any state can effectively have a death penalty.

  • Done with my Death Penalty Paper
    March 18, 2016 at 8:29 pm

    […] spent the majority of Thanksgiving working on my Death Penalty paper in the Law Library. I’m probably the only non-Asian student1 here, and it’s time to go […]


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