3L Spring / 3L Spring Summaries / HTC EVO 4G pictures / Life / Minneapolis-St. Paul

Best Week Ever 7 & 8: A long winter

So I completely thought we were over this winter thing and then we got another blizzard. Don’t get me wrong, winter is pretty in Minneapolis…

Minneapolis winter

Minneapolis winter

…but I am over this winter thing.

I don’t even like wearing winter clothes anymore out of some subconscious form of protest.

Sigh. I feel like a crabby old man, and winter needs to get off my lawn.

1 Comment

  • Minnesota "spring"
    March 18, 2016 at 4:48 pm

    […] Now everyone knows how much I love Minnesota, but this weather is not okay. Bah-humbug. At least we didn’t get another blizzard. […]


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