2011 Winter / Just Sayin / Law School / Marketing / Thomson Reuters

The interview

Man in office by Bethany Legg via Unsplash

Part of the reason why I am employed at my company is because I had the dumb luck of being recruited from twitter during my first year of law school.

That random break and the great people I’ve met along the way have allowed me to create a career for myself. That is why I try to recommend my qualified friends for open positions as strongly as I can without being obnoxious.

I have worked full-time for my company for close to a year now. Some of my coworkers think that my production levels and eagerness to pick up overtime hours are bizarre, but I disagree. I’m no Ellen Parsons, but law school definitely influenced my corporate life in two ways:

  1. Work ethic: even average UMN law students are used to working long hours and thriving in a highly competitive environment. This translates nicely in the corporate world if you can avoid being pegged as an OCD cutthroat. Ignore my twitching.
  2. Appreciation: part of the reason why I try to push myself at work is because I’m grateful to be employed. That sounds corny until you meet the hoards of my unemployed former-classmates.

I interviewed for a new position within the company today. The interviews made me realize that I am truly out of “school mode” and well into the next phase of my life. My work-life is exciting and rewarding. I just wish more of my equally qualified classmates were in the same position.


  • Michael
    January 13, 2012 at 9:55 am

    Nice running into you outside town hall the other day. Good luck through the whole interview process.

  • Tracy
    February 4, 2012 at 2:59 pm

    Hi, I was wondering if you could help me out. I’m considering going to Minnesota for law school, but am worried about these “hoards” of unemployed classmates. Do you have any idea what percent of your graduating class is employed in “big law,” “midlaw,” government, starbucks, etc?


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