
This isn’t Revolutionary Road.

Jamie and I just saw Revolutionary Road. Don’t worry, there are no spoilers in this post, and if there were, it’s not like I’d warn you.

The premise of the movie is simple: The year is 1950-something. A young couple moves to suburbia and experiences social awkwardness, outrageous fights, crying fits, and 3-hump-sex-scenes.

That’s right. 3-hump sex scenes: the 1950’s version of a 1-minute-man.

Okay, Okay. It’s a very serious drama. Won awards and everything. Yes. I’ll get to that in a second. The sex scenes need to be addressed! Revolutionary Road almost has as many sex scenes as Marley & Me, except there are no tasteful pan outs or scene cuts. The entirety of each sex scene consists of three thrusts.

Every time.

And after the third thrust the man was always completely worn out. I guess endurance was invented in the 1960’s…

It was a running joke throughout the movie. Hilarium.

Ahem, aside from the 3-thrusts, Revolutionary Road is excellent. A central theme of the movie is frustrated ambition – CUE THE BLAKE QUOTE!
“Sooner strangle an infant in its cradle than nurse unacted desires.” – William Blake
Oh yes I did! I have a BA in English Literature. The only useful part of an English major is the ability to smack Blake quotes into blog posts. (And that makes the $34k/year tuition totally worth it.)

And not to ruin the movie for anyone… but I think the screen writer had my Blake quote mind… just sayin’…

On the drive home I told Jamie that I’m glad I moved to Minneapolis. If I stayed in Miami my life would be a fashionable, (and humid) version of Revolutionary Road.

Yes. I’d be the only guy in Miami wondering “If I only I had moved to Minneapolis!!! WOE IS ME!”

I settled for undergrad, and I’m so grateful that I did not make that same mistake for law school.

Well, I’m still going to do some handwringing, but I’d rather worry about loans (for a great school) than trying to market a tier 3 JD.
Ahem. And now back to a very neglected boyfriend… (he actually asked if I was going to start blogging when we got home…I don’t think Blake can help me with this one…)

No Comments

  • Jamie
    February 8, 2009 at 12:45 am

    And your boyfriend was correct. Kiss Kiss honey!

  • butterflyfish
    February 9, 2009 at 6:50 am

    Marketing the tier 3 JD sucks


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