I thought that I could trust him.
Gunter is almost three years old now, so I thought that I could trust him outside of the kennel.
He no longer cries when I leave the house, which is half the struggle of puppydom. Gunter also hasn’t had an accident inside since last winter, when the weather was so cold in Minnesota that he went on strike – refusing to poop outside.
It was very distressing for both of us.

Gunter is stressed out about life.
Back then, Gunter would just shiver and scream when I brought him outside, and then attempt to poop in the closet at night. This, of course, was super gross and the source of some unpleasant surprises when I tried on long-neglected shoes…
After moving to Texas, I assumed that I wouldn’t have to worry about Gunter anymore.
But I was wrong.

Gunter the chihuahua is in trouble after learning now to knock over the garbage.
Gunter recently discovered how to knock over the trash can!
He simply bites the rim of the trash bag until the entire garbage can tips over. Gunter then looks super guilty when we find him face-deep in garbage.
But he’s not sorry.
Gunter does not even wait until we leave sometimes – he’s knocked over the trash can at night too – so someone just got reintroduced to the kenneled.
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