The dogs are adjusting to life in Washington D.C. pretty well.
Dallas was very dog-friendly in terms of parks and poop-stations, but 100 degree days made it difficult to take anything but brief dog walks after 7 a.m.
D.C. is far better temperature-wise, although the afternoons are still pretty muggy. The area that we live in is full of dog parks and walking trails, and we can get to the monuments pretty quickly as well (although the dogs can’t go inside, obviously.)

Gunter at the Washington Monument in D.C.
One rough patch has been Gunter’s separation anxiety.
Gunter would yelp for hours when we first moved into our new apartment. Luckily the concrete construction of the building muffles the sound for our neighbors — although you can hear him down the hallway, which is embarrassing.
We cleared the yelping hurdle after about a week in the apartment. I think he realizes it’s home now. Plus, we have a neighbor whose dog barks violently at every hallway noise, so we aren’t the most obnoxious people on the floor. (Or so we think.)
At least Ingrid’s pretty chill — we couldn’t handle two screamers.

Ingrid in our new Washington D.C. apartment.
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