Just Sayin / Washington DC

The D.C. Disclaimer

The Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC

One of the most interesting things about living in D.C. is that there are so many young people with advanced degrees and white collar professionals from all over the world. (The diversity of the city is also a refreshing change.)

However something curious happens almost every time that I find myself at a D.C. party or social event – I get “the D.C. disclaimer” – which is some variation of:

“I hate how people in D.C. always ask, ‘what do you do?’ People here are so concerned about networking and they just want to know what you can do for them and their careers. It’s obnoxious and I don’t want to be one of those people…”

And then the person proceeds to ask me what I do.

I find this reticence to ask about people’s careers bizarre.

Sure, the career question should not be the first question you ask someone, but it is not rude if you are in an extended conversation.

And people in D.C. still ask you about your job – they just give you a disclaimer first. It’s strange.

It is also curious how the people who give the disclaimer are also the first people to creep on your LinkedIn – it’s like someone saying, “I’m not an alcoholic but…” before proceeding to describe their problematic drinking behavior.

Maybe the speech is just a quirky local form of politeness?

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