Summer 2011


Today started with a tour of a book manufacturing plant. I had never thought about what it takes to make a book before,  so I was pretty amazed by the massive amount of machinery that goes into each book.

I will never complain about the cost of a textbook again. Seriously, there were things buzzing,whirling, stamping, and beeping… it was like an academic Wonka factory, with honking forklifts…

After the tour I worked and then went to school.

I had Professional Responsibility today. Halfway through the class I heard a rumbling noise from outside—it was pouring—and of course my umbrella was at home.

Luckily, the rain paused to let me get home from school, but then started again (had how!) once I got home.1

After two hours of waiting it out, I finally took the dog on a very soggy walk. Harley was so excited to get dried off afterward that he jumped up and did a little “Look I’m Dorothy ala The Wiz!” heel click… hm. Yes it was odd.

Hopefully things dry out tomorrow.

1Um, dear Mother Nature: I have a dog to walk. I’m going to need more than a 10 minute break okay?


  • brran1
    June 17, 2009 at 11:26 am

    “it was like an academic Wonka factory, with honking forklifts…”

    Did you see any Oompa Loompas or Chumba Wumbas (family guy reference)? LOL…

    • Jansen
      June 17, 2009 at 12:03 pm

      Haha. No, we did not…there might have been some Tubthumping? I wasn’t sure…the machinery was too loud.


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