
Self control

Our legal writing sections meet once a week. The students in most legal writing sections take turns bringing breakfast for everyone. Me this week. You next week. Sarah the week after, etc. The leftovers end up in the downstairs common area of the law school.

Well, this morning there was just a gold-mine of food…cookies, bagels, pastries, muffins, cakefresh coffee… it was ridiculous, delicious, and I partook like a fat kid at Thanksgiving.

So I’m in CivPro SSG. I have a pile of cookies and bagels that I’m working on. The girl next to me keeps telling me how good the cookies smell. I offer her one.

She responds, “No, it smells amazing, but I don’t want that in me.”

I thought, (while stuffing my face cookie) “Now that’s self control.”

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  • J
    October 17, 2008 at 2:41 pm

    “That’s what she said”


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