college / Sophomore Year

Sophomore Year at UMiami

So Kali, CJ, and I were walking down a perimeter road near campus reliving the dozens of crazy moments and characters from the club. We had left John and Anthony a few minutes ago. Hurricane Drive was pitch black since the area still doesn’t have power and we had to be careful not to stumble over the branches that littered the sidewalk.

I tripped over part of a palm and almost ate into a meter. Oops.

Hurricane Katrina managed to cancel classes from Thursday to Monday. It seems as though the category one hurricane managed to take out half the trees on campus – including all of the UM-Iconic strangler figs. For the past few days students used muddy paths that cut through lawns and hug the sides of buildings since some sidewalks are blocked by huge overturned trees.

Working the hurricane was like being on a NBC primetime drama. Busting underaged drinkers, druggies, collapsing ceiling tiles, flooded rooms, belligerent/uncooperative students, hallsports, electrical fires, and and and…

My guys got a bit creative. They taped post-it notes all over the floor.

I seriously have the coolest guys on my floor. I think I lucked out. I’m really proud of them and so grateful that I got the best guys in Hecht. Everyone is interesting, they get along with each other, they are wild but not in a bad way, we don’t have that many serious writeups, and I think they’ve realized that I’m not an asshole.

Classes also started this week… bejesus. I have some of the dullest teachers ever and an oppressive amount of homework. Half of my classes are in this tiny hole-in-the-wall in the history department. It’s actually like the break room or something. We all sit around this conference table in hard plastic chairs dreading being stuck with a teacher all up in our personal bubble for two and a half hours every week.

I’ve had two of the three classes that are in that room already. The first teacher barely speaks above a whisper and I couldn’t hear her even though I was right next to her. The other teacher speaks up but is so flamboyant… he had maroon glasses with diamond studs in the side, an embroidered cowboy shirt with heavy vertical stripes, a tie with darker red vertical stripes, striped pants, a shiny (silver?) belt, and white shoes.

…and he’s quite serious.

That class was miserable because we were only four.

My English classes are going to be a chore too. ENG212 looks like it’s actually going to be interesting but we missed two classes because of the hurricane and I’m not sure how we are going to make up the time (the teacher is showing a movie). My two 400-level English classes were … we’ll lets say the teachers need some time to get in the groove of things?

It’ll be alright with some Starbucks…right?

I was good about the gym at the beginning of the week but the hurricane killed my routine. I start again tomorrow? I didn’t want being busy this semester to be an excuse for becoming slovenly and it really won’t.

I actually like being this busy. Being a ‘good’ RA takes as much time as they say it does…but I’m surprised by how good I’ve gotten at budgeting my time. I’m on my floor a lot of but I’ve gone out a lot this week too – I saw Skeleton Key with Kali, Mikela, and John, at Sunset, and also saw 40-year-old virgin with Kristen at Sunset too… then went to South Beach with Kristen and saw Broken Flowers. I also had time for a Wal-Mart adventure (and it’s always an adventure) and clubbing with Kali, CJ, Anthony, and John.

– Anthony and I harassed a leprechaun.
– An interesting find upstairs
– Mongolians
– Lots of screaming because someone kept following us
– Flowers from CVS, oh and relaxer…
– Guess…and Guessing…

– Scurrying from Shalala
– Jesus of the ducks and popcorn
– $6 Grandpa shoes
– Wallet theft at Chartwells
– Things that I didn’t need to mention but everyone got
– The one with the massive heels who was so busted
– Kissing the DJ (who never played my song by the way)
– Starbucks mug
– Library incident
– Creepy security people on bikes
– And and and…

Ready for another week like this…


  • davidmihm
    August 29, 2005 at 12:21 pm

    Do you guys have power?

  • __anatomic
    August 30, 2005 at 12:06 am

    haha man. we just had really poorly drawn stars on our doors.

    I live in a shithole residence hall though, so that’s okay!


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