2L Fall Finals / Just Sayin / Law School

The law library

On Thursday I had a review session for Real Estate law, and needed to print notes. I went to the law school library to print, and I was shocked by the wave of irritation that came over me.

The psst, psst, whispers. Girl on phone. Whooping cough boy…

I was not there to study – I just wanted to print – but within 5 minutes I was tense, twitchy, and annoyed.

I can study in cafes, undergrad libraries, public libraries, and at home with a 100lb dog sleeping on me, but somehow the law school library irritates the hell out of me.

I think it is the reminder of all the annoying people I spent the past semester with. Irrelevant question boy, petty gossip girl, Mr. mouth-odor, Mrs. body-odor, Facebook Scrabble boy, streaming-video-in-class girl… the smug skunk

The little house of horrors was all here, and I needed to get out, immediately. You can find me at Dunn Brothers, or maybe Wilde Roast…


  • Kate
    December 12, 2009 at 11:42 am

    Whats worse? Working at the law library during finals and having to police everyones twitchy irritability. They almost should do combat pay during finals.

    • Jansen
      December 12, 2009 at 4:16 pm

      The solution for that problem is to get a huge thinger of free coffee and whenever someone comes up to bitch say, “there, there, here…have some coffee.” It’ll work every time.

  • Kori
    December 13, 2009 at 9:44 am

    i completely agree. i never ever study at the law school library. holy moses does it stress me out.

    • Jansen
      December 13, 2009 at 4:23 pm

      Cafes are better 😉

  • Law school finals
    December 13, 2009 at 5:44 pm

    […] The law library » December 13th, […]

  • Outline of 2L Fall
    December 29, 2009 at 10:28 am

    […] The law library and puking hotdogs… […]

  • Outline of 2L Fall
    March 12, 2015 at 8:37 am

    […] The law library and puking hotdogs… […]


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