Life / Minneapolis-St. Paul / PAGU / Tader

The Apartment Search: Day 2

Loft Condos Apartments

I think we found an apartment. This is bizarre.

We had three showings today. Before the first showing I decided to call some random listings in the neighborhood. I was on the phone with one of the leads when Tader picked me up to drive to our first showing. When we pulled up to the building I realized that I just spent 20 minutes talking to the guy that Tader already vetted.

Me: “Um, sorry, Nevermind about that 7:30 showing. Apparently the boyfriend already talked to you and we are here for a 5pm showing!”
Landlord: “Oh, you’re Tader’s boyfriend?”
Me: “Yep! And we are here!”

Of course the landlord was this cute gay guy and the apartment had a lot of potential. One of the current tenants may be a hoarder, but I liked the apartment and the landlord also owns a Rottweiler! Win!

Our second showing was a duplex in the Phillips neighborhood. Tader was unamused by the neighbors and the people on the bottom floor of the duplex. The kitchen was also completely outdated. The agent for duplex told us that the downstairs tenants were being evicted and that the landlord had a habit of renting to welfare mothers who always failed to pay rent. Fail.
Another sketchy part of that showing is that the agent did not show the apartment but gave us the lock box combination instead.
If she gave me the combination after talking to me on the phone for 20 minutes then I assume half the city has access to those units.

The third showing was in Northeast Minneapolis and completely bizarre. The apartment was listed as a three-bedroom unit, but it was actually two separate apartments connected with a Jerry-rigged bathroom. The upstairs neighbors were painting in the apartment when we showed up and they introduced us to the oddly slanted porch and the flooded basement. The unit was both ghetto and way more space than we need.

We are in the middle of making our pro-and-con list at Burger Jones when the landlord from the first unit calls. He just got a deposit from a couple and he wants to know if we are interested because he likes us better. We ask to see the unit again tomorrow and we’ll have our deposit checks ready barring some disaster.

It looks like the apartment search is over? Next challenge: getting my current apartment rented for September.

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