Sophomore Year

Around the fur

Another fast week. The days were pretty much the same… I would get up, work at the yearbook, eat a long lunch while reading the new Donna Leon book, write, go to class, do mail in the dorms, go back to yearbook, then go out for the night.

– Started off the week with a nightime adventure in Homestead…abandoned paintball courses and tourist traps, taco bell.
– Took pictures of flutes in Wynwood while Francis the poodle glared at me.
– Misadventures in Surfside,
– Another one of JHR’s houseparties where I had to play taxi-man at 5am for people who lived nowhere close to each other… but being sober has it’s perks… $20 in gas money? Hell yeah!
– Industrial circuit with Peter – The Morgue and Dark Carnival (with surprise appearances by Danny-chan and Eric.) It was my first time at Dark Carnival…hilarious too. 70 year old grandpa’s, morbidly obese middle aged people, busted-looking performers, the cowboy, and of course the normal craziness.

– South Beach picture run with Christy…she cussed out a girl in front of the dorms. It was hilarious.

After that we saw “Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift”. The teen couple sitting next to us (it was ridiculously crowded) provided the real show. They were talking (not whispering but straight up talking) during the entire movie and ended up having a full blown fight in the middle of the movie. The girl screamed “fuck off!” and some choice words that even non-Spanish speakers understand as the guy stormed out of the theater. I was laughing so hard I was crying.

– Kendall hopping with JHR
– Noel’s scary (and stanky) ferrets
– Warehouse-roof climbing in Hialeah (never again.)


  • gusthegreat
    June 20, 2006 at 5:43 am

    how’s yearbook writing for college?
    harder? easier?

    • gusthegreat
      June 20, 2006 at 5:18 pm

      Re: Tricky question.

      and who gets to be in it?

      everyone like in High school?

      or just those select few

      • gusthegreat
        June 21, 2006 at 5:00 am

        Re: Tricky question.


        who gets to be IN the yearbook, like the students

  • prkswllflwr
    June 22, 2006 at 2:09 am

    DENNIS! i saw the swamp sisters today by the UC. they’re STILL HERE even though it’s summer.

    anyway, they made me think of you.
    in the ideal world, the *entire yearbook* would be devoted to them.

  • aloneleprechaun
    June 23, 2006 at 5:51 am

    Oh my.

    -e 🙂


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