1L Spring Summaries / humor

Best Week Ever: Week 4 – smoke & awkwardness in the library

I learned a few things by reviewing this week’s tweets:

Lesson #1: Student Fees Committee = Hilarity.
Tweet (Feb 14): I think this fee committee paperwork deforested a small country…
Student fees committee hearings dominated last weekend. The public hearing is tomorrow.

I spent a good chunk of time today with the 4-inch-thick brick binder of fees proposals. I also printed off the majority and minority rationales. I probably deforested a small country in the process. Al Gore would not approve…

Last week’s student fees committee debate was “spirited” (in the Nancy Pelosi sense of the word.) Tomorrow’s hearing is going to be a case study in awkward.

Lesson #2: I’m way clumsier than anyone will ever know:
8:39 PM Feb 9th: Chamomile tea bag explosion … non verbal annoyance being expressed in library…
9:46 AM Feb 10th: I’m the one in the corner of the law library covered peanut shells.
8:11 AM Feb 11th: My cologne? It’s called “spilled” and from the House of Maxwell.
7:06 PM Feb 12th: I would break my glasses the night before a 9am interview wouldn’t I?
The left leg from my glass frame snapped Thursday night. This meant the bus ride to my job interview was a blurry affair. After the interview I went to LensCrafters and was robbed.

My salesperson kept telling me I was getting a “great deal” and “massive” discounts. I don’t believe him. The $400 charge on may have something to do with that. My wallet is still wincing.

Lesson #3: I’m smooth…sort of:
8:25 PM Feb 9th: soda cans open EXTRA LOUD in a library… I pull out the diet mountain dew and the girl across the way looks at me like “DON’T YOU DARE!”…
8:25 PM Feb 9th: The trick is to hold the soda can very low, open it, and then look around like, “who did that?”

Lesson #4: The library is a hot mess:
9:02 PM Feb 10th: I think someone is smoking in the law library… it’s a scented cigar(?) or…
11:25 AM Feb 11th: so he crashes into his seat, slams his books down, and starts picking his skin (and biting nails)… undergrad library = constant amusement
12:05 PM Feb 10th: is waiting for creepy [Wilson Library] Barista to go on break before I get coffee. He called me “sport” then “buddy”…what’s next? I’m scared.

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