1L Fall Summaries

Best Week Ever (Weeks 6 & 7)

So, the middle of the semester is already here. Oy vey.

And so is this weird thing called fall. The leaves are turning some pretty dramatic colors.

We keep our palms the same color all year in Miami, so this is pretty new. (I don’t really remember fall in Kansas…)

The coldest it has reached so far is 35 degrees. That morning I saw my own breath as I rode to school. Eek. I also saw a guy wearing shorts.

In 35 degrees.

I’m wearing two layers, gloves, a hat…and this dude is strolling to school in shorts. No. Fail. Fail-whale Fail. Rule of thumb: If you can see your own breath you shouldn’t wear shorts.

And no, this wasn’t some rugged northerner. He looked like he was about to cry.

For the most part it has been in the 50’s and misty. Sometimes the project towers near school are hard to see:

I ran into a few zombies near those towers yesterday afternoon. It was zombie weekend in Minneapolis. There were zombies on the train as well. Here are some pictures of the chaos.

I was stalked that night too. It was a little annoying. These three people followed us around the clubhouse all night apparently. Hm.

I was also approached at Target by some guy who said he saw my myspace and my website…which means he’s probably reading this. Hm. Hi? Don’t kill me. Thanks.


As far as class – CivPro is my favorite class. I’m all up in the kool-aid and it’s okay.

Legal writing is fun too, but it took me forever to figure out how to use Id. short cites for parallel citations. Yeah

And now starts week 8…and the goal for this week is to shift back to coffee. I’ve been on a latte kick lately and I recently discovered the mocha…which yeah. Bad.

But oh so tasty.

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