The St. Paul Animal Humane Society is far different than the humane society locations in the Twin Cities.
The place is an assault to the senses – howling dogs, employees trying to manage the hoard of would-be adopters, and the overpowering stench of dog piss.
It was in this chaos that we found Hugo, our new dog.
Hugo’s brindle color means that we have to constantly explain that he’s not a pitbull at the dog park.
No one believes us.
The conversations usually go something like this:
Neighbor: “Oh what a beautiful puppy, what type is he?”
Me: “A lab and retriever mix.”
Neighbor: “Looks like a pit bull to me.”
Me: “The pound didn’t tell us about any pit bull mix. Other dogs have brindle colors too…”
Neighbor: “Well your secret is safe with me.”
Hugo and our chihuahua got off to a rocky start.
Günter was initially territorial and bitchy to Hugo. He’d constantly growl and snap at Hugo, especially around toys.
Then Hugo realized that he was bigger than Günter….and that he could mug him for toys.
Chaos ensued.
Tangentially – my building management company recently reduced their list of banned dog breeds. We now have a 200-bound mastiff in the building, and bullmastiffs are allowed too! (About a year too late however.)
Hugo would pounce on Günter, causing a fight. We’d scream. The dogs would scatter, and then start up a few minutes later.
Then we hit a turning point where they actually started playing with eachother.
Luckily my building strictly relies on adoption paperwork, so the pit bull rumors weren’t a factor in adopting him.

Mitchell with Günter, our Chiweenie.
I think they wore each other out.
Golden Showers.
Hugo is only three months old, so that means he’s not potty trained yet. He pees everywhere.
My puppy is a substantial contributor to Minnesota’s flooding problem.
He pees on the carpet. He pees in the toy box.
He pees in the kitchen. He pees when you let him out of the kennel.
He even (tries) to pee in the lobby.
It’s exhausting.
One day we were on the way to Mears Park when a couple asked to pet Hugo. So of course Hugo leaps up and pisses all over the guys leg.
We were mortified (and slightly amused.)
He’s working on it.
Kind of.
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