humor / video / vlogs


Minneapolis had a snowstorm today! According to the news, may get as much 10 inches. Oy Vey!

We were already at school when the snow started. I interviewed my housemate throughout the day:

The snow made her want to cry apparently.

You can follow the latest Minneapolis snow storm tweets at #snowpocalypse and #snowmageddon.


  • Best Week Ever 6: One big, snowy hot mess. « No 634
    March 1, 2009 at 7:51 pm

    […] Snowmageddon: the first day I took my car to school we got 10 inches of snow. I hadn’t bought a snow shovel yet. It was tragic. My whiny vlog about it made CNN though! […]

  • Best Year Ever: Outline of 1L Spring Semester | Dennis Jansen
    March 12, 2015 at 8:33 am

    […] Snowmageddon hits Minneapolis! (We got like a foot of snow) […]


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