1L Fall Summaries

Best Week Ever: (Weeks 3 & 4)

One month down! The theme of the past two weeks was figuring out the best schedule.

I tested two extremes: library rat vs. undergrad.

During week three I arrived at school around 5am (or a coffee shop at 6am), read before class, and then didn’t work at all in the evenings…thorough briefs with cross-references to restatements. Lights out at 8pm.

During week four I went to the gym around 6am, then read between classes and after school. The reading was usually day-before if not day-of…25-minute assignments, book briefing, bars and clubs. Hm.

This week I’m going to mesh the library rat with the undergrad. I think this is called balance. We’ll see.

People are definitely less polite around the Gamma house and things are getting filthy. Example? While de-molding our shower I found a little treat.

Bleh. I know. It was so disgusting I sat on the floor laughing out of pure horror. Good times. BUT! The shower is no longer clogged. I am the bleach warrior. Hah.

I was also nasty-sick this weekend and therefore slept a lot…erm…at least when my housemate’s bass wasn’t blaring. The music was so loud that at one point I slept in the basement. Problem solved!

My cold gave me a smoker’s voice. Cigarette baritone.Yes.

Month 2 of law school started today. This week is sparse though – contracts and torts are canceled for tomorrow for Rosh Hashanah. The conference monster is also in town, so two out of our three CivPro classes are knocked out.

The only class I have tomorrow is a special “intro to legal research” session at…8am.

Bright-and-early! It should be hilarious. I expect full undercaffeinated glares from the commuters.

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  • Erik
    September 29, 2008 at 10:52 pm

    You lucky bastard, classes being canceled for Rosh Hashanah. I don’t think any of my profs are Jews, let alone are they canceling class. Sigh.

    I should take the days off, but I’d feel guilty, because I suck at being Jewish.

  • Brooklyn
    September 30, 2008 at 3:38 pm

    Whoa……..that girl needs to see a DR. that is not normal….OMG I wouldve puked then passed out face first in it. ahhhhhhhhhhh! You are a brave man!


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