1L Fall Summaries / Life

Best Week Ever (Weeks 12 & 13)

Law school is ballin’outrageous and don’t let anyone tell you any different.

I’m working on my constitutional law outline at Starbucks. LexisNexus paid for my latte, and the stoner-esque Barista just gave me a free coffee and cookie. I think finals makes the law school gods smile down benignly, at least in Minnesota.

Outlining is an interesting process. It’s like a marathon runner training for a sprint – same basic skill set, different medium.

I’m creating my outline (at least for conlaw) in a deliberately slow way: hand writing an extensive outline, then condensing by half, then condensing it further to two pages, then typing.

If it’s not in my head by the end of that, then it’s not happening.

The past two weeks have been breezy. Last weekend I was in Miami. Cirque du Soleil, palms, heat, and chaos.
I spent 5 hours on public transit one day…rambled throughout downtown several times, and there was that boomkat-tastic Fedde Le Grand show…

Last night I traumatized Jamie and his friend with everyone’s favorite pair of girls (and their single cup.) Afterwards, instead of shanking me (which I’m sure he wanted to) Jamie took me to see Milk in uptown.

Milk is the Harvey Milk biopic. It was interesting and well done…although the hair was awful. I also have the biography (Mayor of Castro Street). I like reading the bios to supplement the movies. I did the same with Capote…although Capote’s biography was a brick of a book…

Naja. After Milk, we went to this diner and had the coolest waitress ever: she was about 6’2, 250lbs, piercings, full-sleeve tattoos, platinum blond hair, and this little layered denim get up. She was absolutely the business. She was like a voluptuous, female version of Rainblo…

1 Comment

  • Miami to Minneapolis: Best Year Ever | Dennis Jansen
    March 12, 2015 at 8:38 am

    […] November I got my first taste of Minnesota winter, networked, and prepped for finals. I still made time to get my boomkats on: Jamie and I saw Fedde le Grand and the Moon Goons at club […]


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