0L / Senior Year


Insured Jantop today. $380, for three years. So worth it. That’s Allstate’s Stand.

I reread more of Trollope’s biography today. He published three triple decker novels before his breakthrough novel. This just reinforces my patience.

I also have most of my UM law and FIU law applications done. My personal statement will be done in the morning.

While on the topic of Victorian literature (and grad school/futures) – I found this this post horribly interesting. The thought of future students, colleagues, or some bodiless committee reading entries from my undergraduate days is amusing. It’s like I’m creating a time capsule.

I’m not horribly worried about how I present myself because I’m not convinced that anyone would read years worth of posts. Dr. Burstein even mentions that most people get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of posts and don’t bother to read past the first page.

Also, an academic career is (daily) becoming a more attractive prospect.

The law school applications are still going to be done by the end of the week though. Law professor? History? English? The possibilities are exciting.

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