I am moving to a bigger apartment in just two weeks.
Well, I am supposed to move into a new apartment in two weeks. The apartment transfer process is unexpectedly painful and we still do not have a proper lease for the new unit.
Assuming that I can eventually get a new lease for the apartment, I will have to figure out how to set up my home office. This means spending an inordinate amount of time lusting over designer home offices and coveting furniture that I will never be able to squeeze into my bedroom.
A boy can dream, right?
Let’s go down this rabbit hole with my current inspiration board.
First, there are the insanely expensive home-office options over at Restoration Hardware et. al.
Restoration Hardware is a fantasy for me. It’s beautiful, aspirational, and utterly out of my budget.
This doesn’t mean I won’t gawk anyway…

A beautiful Restoration Hardware desk, but with way more space than I’ll have in my new apartment.

Loving the tall skinny lights on this desk. It looks kind of low though.

I love the pictures behind this Restoration Hardware desk. The chair is also similar to my current one.

For those who never get tired of looking at themselves, this Restoration Hardware desk has a massive mirror in front of it.

I love the oversized suitcase look of this desk. The collars in the case are slightly creepy.