Sigh. Everyone’s crabby today.
Posts about Ingrid the Labradoodle and Gunter the Chiweenie.
Sigh. Everyone’s crabby today.
Harley’s got swag.
Someone discovered how to get into the trash.
I know something is wrong when he’s hiding under Tader’s desk.
I almost didn’t take the dogs to the Minnehaha dog park because it started raining, but I know they love it too much to pass it up.
We finally went to Lake Minnetonka just in time for the last of the fall colors.
You know something’s wrong when…
What a long evening. First Kristin and I went to Brianna’s housewarming party, then to Halver’s birthday party at his home, and then to Kristin’s birthday party at Lyle’s Liquor Lounge. After Lyle’s, Kirk and I went to the Gay 90’s and ended the night at the Saloon. I came home, walked the dogs, and went to bed.
Harley knows that he’s not allowed to go on the couch. He occasionally sneaks up when I leave the house briefly but most of the time he lurks around the edges of the couch.
Oh what a day at the Minnehaha Dog Park.
I’m cramming some Lake Calhoun time in before it starts freezing. Dog-hair-in-car be dammed.
With no school year to mark the time for me anymore, I guess summer ends with the Minnesota State Fair. There’s probably a meteorological date or something, but lamb on a stick is a better way to mark the seasons.
I’m ending summer with a new view of the skyline, but I’m still in Minneapolis.
Tader and I went to Eagle Mountain, the highest point in Minnesota. Let me tell you, this thing is in the middle of nowhere.
After the series of dirt roads we got to climb through thick woods on a path filled with roots, boulders and wasps! Harley stuck his nose right in the wasp nest. Both dogs were stung and we could hear the screams from the hikers behind us.
…but the view was pretty.
Tader was all about the view…but I think the dogs and I preferred the lake at the foot of Eagle Mountain.
The cabin was gorgeous and reminded me of our summer rentals in Zandvoort.
Harley loves sleeping in the car.
Half of the time he uses the Rottweiler as a pillow.
We made an unplanned visit to Silver Creek Cliff during our trek to Grand Marais because someone had a business call.
The dogs and I explored as Tader sat on a boulder with his iPhone and iPad.