I’m not going to make a crack about “Minnesota Passive Aggressive.” Really. I’m not.
I’m not going to make a crack about “Minnesota Passive Aggressive.” Really. I’m not.
Christmas shopping season means that the Mall of America is insufferable on the weekends. At least the decorations are pretty:
It is Saturday night and my car glides through traffic on 494. Whip my Hair is on the radio and I am excited about tonight’s date. Things are awesome.
The awesomeness ends approximately 15 minutes later when I open my apartment door and get smacked by the smell of rotten eggs. Harley is sick and yarked everywhere.
I manage to clean up the copious amounts of yolk-like vomit, take the dogs out, drain the building boiler, and get dressed within 25 minutes. I am not going to be late for this date, dammit!
So of course, when I open the door to leave, I hear “BLARRG!”
Nathan and I leave Pagoda and get on the highway to the movie theater. There is a light rain. Traffic is horrible.
We sit in traffic for a while before we see the accident: one car smashed into a metal barrier, front crumbled, airbags deployed. Two goofy-looking teens stand next to the car in the rain.
Ahead is a SUV facing the wrong direction in the middle of the road. The driver is a frantic-looking blond girl. Traffic moves around her car on the shoulder.
I saw this at the Uptown Rainbow Foods grocery store today:
My first reaction was: “What a fugly box.”
There’s usually a moment on my dog walks where I almost hang Harley in an attempt to prevent him from eating goose poop.
Today I tried a new tactic: the epic flip-out. And it worked! Harley dove for a piece of goose crap and violence ensued.1 I try not to get animal abuse-y, especially in public, but it was totally worth it because Harley wouldn’t even look at the poop after that.
I took them on a second walk around lake Calhoun this evening and had no issues. Great success. And yes, I plan on doing the same thing if my future children even get NEAR goose crap. Hide yo kids, hide yo wife.
Random shots from before the storm.
The church by St. Thomas law school in downtown:
It’s supposedly going to snow tomorrow, so I took the krakens around the lake one last time.
More randomness around Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota tuition protest posters still cake campus:
Elmo randomly on the side of a house, around Halloween:
What a long, exhausting day.
I tried to call the IRS for a clinic client three times today. The first two IRS agents refused to talk to me because I don’t have my CAF1 number yet. They wouldn’t let me fax my power of attorney and special order, claimed not to have access to fax, and it was just ridiculous.
I think I found where the neighborhood hippies live. And I wondered where that pot smell came from!
This week? Well, we are at the tail-end of fall.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m all about dolls that represent positive images for children, but I’m not sure about Trichelle…
I didn’t rob my neighbors, I swear.
I had a long, rainy day. And I come home to…
Harley keeps it classy.
Some remnants of the zombie pub crawl in the school parking ramp: