This is the summer of Lake Calhoun.
Driving to work felt like a video game because this truck kept flinging trash on the road:
I spent most of my summers in Germany growing up. My grandparents frequently took me to Holland for my birthday, but one year we went to Nordfriesland, which is near the border of Denmark.
One thing that irked me about Denmark is that many of the houses had roof-tile siding, as if the roof melted over the second floor. It was unspeakably hideous.
So I got flashbacks when I ran into this house, near my favorite Dunn Brothers:
Summer is fabulous. You can find me at work, biking across the metro area, at cafes, dragging the dogs around the lake, and at home with the new boyfriend, usually watching Jersey Shore or BravoTV online.
During the past two weeks there were also missed apartment showings, foiled robberies, and an usual amount of spoiled food. I also feel perpetually behind in blogging, music production, and laundry. Blame it on the excessive amount of lake time:
I bought a Schwinn bike from Target during my 1L year.
I had no car, lived in the Gamma eta Gamma house in Dinkytown, and biking seemed like the collegy thing to do. $150 felt pricy… but I bought the bike and used it until winter came.
The bike came back out this summer and last week I biked over 100 miles. Most of the biking was to work, which is 15 miles out in the suburbs.
I also somehow managed to break the bike. A pedal snapped in half. The kick stand unscrewed halfway. The handlebar was bent. The seat hurt my butt.
It was a disaster.
So I went to Freewheel bike shop, which is by campus, under the shadow of the Stacks:
Dear Lake Calhoun/Minnesota weather/Sven Sundgaard and his form-fitting-dress pants:
If it’s going to be overcast, then I need it to be cooler and less humid.
Gertrude knew the vet visit wasn’t for her. She was just there to laugh.
I saw a huge photoshop fail while waiting in line at the grocery store today.
Whose body did they paste her on?
This is the, “Am I in trouble or what?” face.