The ice is already gone, but I forgot to post these:
The ice is already gone, but I forgot to post these:
I am amused that Madre Jansen attended a pride parade before I did! Here are some pictures she took of the Miami Beach Gay Pride Parade 2010:
More photos after the jump!
A few people thought my 1L post about the Wizard’s hand was embellished:
“Thursday night, Paige and I find ourselves staring at an old brick building on a side street near downtown. We are trying to find the Lavender Bar networking event at Clubhouse Jäger.
I look up and see a hand reaching out of the second floor window. It looks like the hand from the Crypt Keeper.
After stepping back into the street, we see that it’s an iron statue of a wizard crawling out of a fake second-floor window.”
I now have pictures! This is the creepy building:
My neighborhood is full of old mansions. This is one of my favorites:
That’s probably were Morticia Addams grew up.
I thought the old houses were glamorous when I first moved to Minneapolis, but I got over that after living in the Gamma Eta Gamma house for a semester.
I am now aware of the dust and filth, but I still like looking.
Strolling around campus with my camera makes me notice things that I’d otherwise miss, like the awesome details on the east bank buildings:
I find myself at Caffetto more often than I’d like to admit.
The Wendy’s cups are so big & honking that we usually finish them on the next morning’s dog walks:
Somehow this place does not scream “couture“:
This bloated thing is visible for blocks.
This is in the Lowry Hill/Wedge neighborhood of Minneapolis. The building was erected in 1906 as Fowler Methodist Episcopal Church and is now known as the Scottish Rite Temple. I’m sure the inside is gorgeous.
See also: Kirche, University of Minnesota
Finals are approaching so I am spending some serious time studying at coffee shops:
It sounds nerdy and perverse now, but this is exactly how I envisioned law school as a college senior. What was I thinking?
During college I thought that Coral Gables’ zoning restrictions were ridiculous. I thought homeowners should have the right to construct or style their homes however they want. But then I moved to Minneapolis and got exposed to far too many hideous home modifications and style inconsistencies.
Here’s a mild example:
This reminds me of a line from Don DeLillo’s The Falling Man:
“Something is always happening, even on the quietest days and deep into the night, if you stand a while and look.”
The law school warns us that lawyers and law students are more susceptible to alcoholism than the general population. And yet…
It was a rough morning in Dinkytown.Good thing she didn’t lose a cute pair of shoes.
It was a leftover, but I shouldn’t have been eating it anyway:
I pass the Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church almost every day on our dog walks. My favorite thing about the church is the little statues sprinkled about:
Dinkytown is still one of my favorite places to spend my breaks in between classes. Dinkytown is the University of Minnesota’s student village, and just far enough from school to not be infested with law students.
Dinkytown is home to most of UMN’s Fraternities and Sororities, including Gamma Eta Gamma, the law school fraternity. I lived in Dinkytown during my first semester of law school and love passing by my old haunts.
The Kitty Kat club is where the Twilight lesbian parties were held:
I have been in Minneapolis for two years now, but I still pull out my blackberry and snap pictures like a tourist.
This is what I have to deal with every time I want to sleep in: