These are pictures of the Biscayne Bay area of Miami. Some of the images are also from South Beach. Click on the images to see larger files.
- Pictures of the Biscayne Bay area of Miami.
Every time I see the towers of downtown’s Westminster Presbyterian Church, I imagine a giant toddler meandering down the street and hole punching those shapes into the top of the towers.
Here are some pictures. The thumbnails are linked to larger images.
See also:
Cliché but required. It’s not fall without pictures of the leaves:
I returned to the bedroom to find that I had been replaced, but decided not to interrupt the lovefest:
The good shots always end up with drool on the camera lense…
I posted this picture earlier this year on facebook:
Respect for lease. Surely a sign of a bad economy.
But things have gotten much, much worse:
Oh look, it’s Kerli. There are several abandoned buildings in Jack’s part of Minneapolis. I spotted this street art on one of them:
Other photography posts:
The neighborhood children haven’t discovered that no one really cares if you smash the jackolanterns after Halloween.
So they sit and rot:
“One more picture with flash and I’m shitting on the carpet.”
There are “Vote Meg Tuthill” plastered all over the neighborhood. She’s running for city council and apparently the owner of Tuthill’s Balloon Emporium:
I thought the Balloon Emporium was abandoned when I first saw it, but it is still in business and I think it is like a Party City store.
I told Joel how appalled I was that two people on Saturday had never heard of Party City.
He nodded understandingly and then told me that he had never heard of it either. Why do so many Minnesotans not know about the “nation’s largest party retailer” according to Wikipedia? Does everyone just go to Target?
After we figure out this answer we’ll get to why I am suddenly on a Party City awareness campaign.
I expect my check in the mail. Thank you.
Here are three random wallpapers that I have used in the past few weeks.
The first wallpaper is a facade of an old mill. The second wallpaper is the cheesy obligatory “it’s fall” shot. And the last wallpaper is a closeup of a spray-painted and utility box.
More wallpapers are here.
It’s rusty, it’s crusty, and it’s poorly aged, but I love the Grain Belt Beer sign by the Hennepin Avenue Bridge.
Below are some thumbnails. Click the images to see larger versions.
More Minneapolis photography on No.634:
After finishing the tax midterm I turned around and began fixing my brief for moot court.
I have been parked in my living room going on 10 hours, and Harley is not quite sure why I am home so much. He keeps shooting me glares like, “Bitch, where’s my biscuit?”
The ridiculousness ends tomorrow (until finals that is), thank goodness.
Joel is very patient and can pet Harley for hours at a time.
The only problem is that when Joel tries to get up Harley puts his paw on Joel’s chest like, “Wait, where do you think you’re going?!”
This should not have amused me as much as it did, but here is a funny warning label I came across downtown:
It looks like the voltage can give ninja kicks.
Here are some pictures I took of Saint Anthony Falls, which was (according to Wikipedia) the only major natural waterfall on the Mississippi.
Click the thumbnails to view larger versions.
More photography on No.634:
I’m done with the female rowers after this. I promise. Seriously!
But I just love the facial expressions here:
Here are the rest of the images of the rowers. The first set is here.
I was trying to take a picture of the plant, but someone decided he (and his junk) just needed to be part of the picture: