Kristin and I had brunch at the Lowry Diner, which is a new-ish restaurant near the Scottish Rite Temple.
I had my very first bloody Mary at brunch, which was way too spicy for me. Kristin had to finish it.
Kristin and I had brunch at the Lowry Diner, which is a new-ish restaurant near the Scottish Rite Temple.
I had my very first bloody Mary at brunch, which was way too spicy for me. Kristin had to finish it.
Another night at the Gay 90’s in downtown Minneapolis. Lawd. Paul got a workout when they played the Macarena.
We recently went to the Lyn Lake festival in Uptown Minneapolis.
The bands were fun, albeit way too loud, and I made friends with a charming bartender at the Herkimer. I also had my first Arepa, which is like a Venezuelan gordita. Oh, and chips. Lots of chips.
So HLP invited Eric and I to Mac’s Industrial Sports Bar in Northeast. It was my first time there and I was not prepared for the bathroom:
Yes, that is a Hello Kitty shower curtain as a stall door in the men’s bathroom. What the fresh hell?
Oh, and let’s not overlook the fact that someone took the time out of their day to scrawl graffiti on the underside of the toilet seat. Stay classy, Minneapolis.
I get to work remotely about four days a week, which is fabulous.
One of my favorite cafes to work from is the Freight House Dunn Brothers. This is the view from my table:
I’ve been taking the dogs to Boom Island Park more frequently now. It’s a newly renovated park in Northeast Minneapolis and it’s sparse enough that I don’t have to worry about too many other dogs.
The weather this Memorial Day Weekend consists of torrential downpours and uncomfortable heat. Harley is so over the heat.
I just took the dogs on a five mile dog walk. I think we spent about half of the time allowing Harley to cool down as I played Angry Birds.
Memorial Day Weekend in Miami is also Hip Hop Weekend. I think the official title is “Urban Beach Weekend” but it’s basically Black Mardi Gras. So you know my mom is on the beach for the hot mess people watching.
She texted this to me this morning:
She saw this car accident in downtown Miami while on her way to the beach. My guess is that the upside down car braked just a tad too hard.
Somehow no one was hurt. Mom says that everyone from the crash was standing on the side of the road, horrified.
Oh, and down the road there were naked zombies…sigh. Only in Miami.
It has been an exhausting month since my last update. My social schedule is hectic which I think is in part to make up for the Superfund site that is my dating life.
Single life is hilarious and many of my friends think that I should turn this into a Sex in the City-style blog about the scandalous situations we find ourselves in.
The problem is that Minneapolis has a small gay community and I’m going to see the wackadoodles again. I don’t want this blog to turn my adventures into scenes from Basketball Wives…although I may sprinkle some details here and there.
I know it’s time to post when I get the concerned “are you alive?” emails from readers. Well, I’m still here, and it has been a hilarious couple of weeks.
Let’s start with the most cliché shot of Minneapolis ever: the stone arch bridge:
Cee Cee Russell at the Gay 90’s:
There are some hardcore bikers at LA Fitness. I want to buy a vintage canary yellow moped and park it next to this:
First off, MIA. has a new video.
This is my favorite band and I wish their music was more readily available in the US.
Get with it America.
My own musical endeavors have not been going so well. I’m still in that learning stage where everything I produce is awful. Unfortunately, the only way to get out of that stage is to keep producing crappy tracks until they are no longer as awful. I’ll get it together eventually.
Life is so full lately – I love my job, friends, dogs, gym, hilarious dates, and my brand new Aldo shoes. I think this is the slightly-bootleg yuppie life that I envisioned for myself when I first moved to Minneapolis.
Dates, friends, drag shows, quality time with the dogs, work, snow and unseasonably warm weather.
Technology failed me during these past two weeks. This is how I started the morning:
If you soften your gaze and back away slowly, the fail whale will appear.
Blue screens lit up my work computer throughout the weekend and the beginning of the week. I also caught some version of the plague Saturday night, but meetings and computer repair issues brought my germy-body to the office on Monday and Tuesday.
At times the sinus pressure was so great that my right eye would start pouring as I talked to coworkers. I’m pretty sure they wanted to swat me away with a Lysol wipe.