I took an epic trip across the metro yesterday. I saw a big pleather murse at the Mall of America H&M a while back and decided it would make a good gym bag. Of course I decide to buy it just before rush hour…
A quick google search on my phone leads me to the Roseville mall, which turns out not to have an H&M.
My navigation then suggests the Woodbury mall. My phone says it’s 20 minutes away but I find out that the Woodbury mall is actually close to 20 miles away, which isn’t a 20-minute drive at 4:30 p.m. on a weekday. I eventually get to Woodbury Lakes, which should be called Strip Mall City, USA.
The Woodbury H&M doesn’t have my bag and a cute salesgirl sends me off to the Maplewood Mall H&M.
The Maplewood Mall is about 12 miles north. It’s a long trip at 5:15 p.m., especially when there are two pileup crashes. The pileups are rather confusing because the roads aren’t slick. I think the cause is speeding commuters coming upon stalled traffic…
I eventually make it to Maplewood and a confused employee finds a bag that looks like it hasn’t been touched in months.

This bag is actually black. It’s covered in dust. The cashier tells me he’s never actually seen anyone buy one of the murses. I don’t dare ask how long it was rotting on the shelf.
I find myself lingering at the Maplewood Barnes and Noble, which is close to H&M. I gravitate to the Nook counter and randomly end up buying a Nook tablet.
I was back at a more local Barnes and Noble this morning because my Nook wouldn’t let me buy any books. I eventually learn that the Nook is fine and the problem is with my card.
My bank has my check card frozen because I lost it and requested a new one two weeks ago. The bank customer service rep couldn’t explain to me why my new replacement debit card is frozen for identity theft protection purposes. This is particularly confusing because I had to call and activate the new card with my account information and Social Security Number…anyway these are my first world problems.
I eventually got the card and the Nook tablet working. My first e-book is John Grisham’s The Litigators.