Someone discovered how to get into the trash.
I know something is wrong when he’s hiding under Tader’s desk.
Someone discovered how to get into the trash.
I know something is wrong when he’s hiding under Tader’s desk.
I almost didn’t take the dogs to the Minnehaha dog park because it started raining, but I know they love it too much to pass it up.
I went to middle school in Kansas. We had no air conditioning and plenty of girls with cheap weave that constantly fell out. The weave formed balls that traveled the hallway floors every time the doors were propped open for ventilation. We called this tumble weave.
I am glad that Minneapolis carries on that tradition.
Something went wrong during this morning’s drive. I looked down while driving on Highway 62 and I was covered in in coffee. One of the coffee cups was partially collapsed and I was pretty convinced that I should not be driving. The coffee cups looked pretty rough when I got into the office.
So Tader’s mother gave him a cooking pot. It is the largest pot we have and I use it frequently since I am the primary cooker in our house. This pot became a bit of a nightmare.
I recently got a new pair of glasses at the Look + See Eye Clinic in Old St. Anthony Main. Behold!
Sigh. Naomi and I get into so much trouble downtown.
I decided to skip the dog park today and took the dogs on a road trip to Rochester, Minnesota.
This was my first time in Rochester and the trip gave me flashbacks to my years in Kansas.
The leaves around Minneapolis are turning orange again and I actually bought a pea coat, this fall thing is mighty real.
Some of us are less amused than others.
Harley knows that he’s not allowed to go on the couch. He occasionally sneaks up when I leave the house briefly but most of the time he lurks around the edges of the couch.
I felt extremely distracted while working from home today so I decided to go to the Pierre Bottineau Library here in Nordeast. The library is in the castle-like old Grainbelt Beer building and pretty nice on the outside.