The good shots always end up with drool on the camera lense…
The good shots always end up with drool on the camera lense…
I posted this picture earlier this year on facebook:
Respect for lease. Surely a sign of a bad economy.
But things have gotten much, much worse:
The neighborhood children haven’t discovered that no one really cares if you smash the jackolanterns after Halloween.
So they sit and rot:
Joel is very patient and can pet Harley for hours at a time.
The only problem is that when Joel tries to get up Harley puts his paw on Joel’s chest like, “Wait, where do you think you’re going?!”
I’m done with the female rowers after this. I promise. Seriously!
But I just love the facial expressions here:
The Science Teaching center is still under construction.
When the building is finished there will be at least one professor who will consider throwing a brick through the building’s windows because the building obstructs his view of downtown Minneapolis and the Mississippi river.
I suspect there’s no hurry to finish the building before winter. During the weekends there are sometimes only two people working:
One morning during orientation training, I was surprised to find a turkey meandering outside of the law school. I didn’t trust my eyes, so I dragged one of the other orientation leaders over to the window to see if, in fact, had lost it.
The other orientation leader (who is from Minnesota) calmly informed me that Minnesota has wild turkeys and that this particular turkey was known to hang around the law school.
I am used to alligators, but somehow still fascinated by the thought of a wild turkey roaming around campus.
Okay, so Minnesota has wild turkeys…and very cold looking seagulls:
Things got churchy tonight:
I think it’s too pretty to abut a highway, but the overpass gave a good perch to shoot the church. I finally got a tripod at Wal-Mart, and I was able to take the night shots without awkwardly finding something to steady the camera.
I took the dog along for the shoot because I knew the park would be sketch-tastic at that hour (3am). I was right. There were two goons who tried to approach me but backed off once they saw the Bullmastiff. It would be better if I could get Harley to snarl at people, but that’s not his style. I’m also continually amazed by the cycling culture in Minneapolis. There are bikers every where at all hours, including the park at 3am.
The gas tank was low so I went to the Super America in Northeast. On the way I ran into the Ukrainian Catholic Church (St. Constantine) That’s where the statue is from.
There’s snow on the ground. That means that my fall pictures are no longer current, so I threw all of the semester’s left over pictures on facebook.
One sees the strangest thing while walking to the library…
The Stalin presentation which I dedicated 45 hours in the library to – not including Monday because John and Aparna had me totally distracted – didn’t go well… blah.
– Opera was fun, although people stole our seats and bald guy next to me creeped me out.
– Denny’s is still a case study in neglect: our waiter was hostile, brought the wrong food (forgot coffee, brought tea instead of coffee, didn’t give Alex her fries, forgot Matt’s Milkshake, forgot Elsbet’s coffee, but then brought it and charged it to me, etc.)