Law School – 1L

Challenging Gender Bias with Positive Role Models in Theater, Society, and Law

I haven’t even finished my first year of law school and I’m already attending CLE events!

Next Tuesday I’m going to my first CLE event on womens’ issues and discrimination. There is an official press release, but I like the description from the live webcast better1:
Despite progress, evidence of gender disparity remains. Yet female professionals from all disciplines wield power in shifting societal perception through their ability to control their own narratives. This webcast examines the impact female role models in theater, society and law can have on gender bias.

Guthrie artists will read scenes from the provocative play Third by Wendy Wasserstein. Third tells the story of Professor Laurie Jameson, whose life is thrown into disarray when she accuses a student of plagiarism. In challenging the student, who in turn charges her with reverse discrimination, Laurie is forced to question her aggressively feminist ideology, standards and family relationships.

A panel of prominent female leaders and artists, including Sally Wingert who played Professor Jameson in the Guthrie’s 2008 production of Third, will lead the discussion.
I wonder if my friends over at will promote this too. It will have appeal beyond the legal community…

1 There is also a live webcast available through but I’m going to the live event.


  • Best Week Ever 6: One big, snowy hot mess. « No 634
    March 1, 2009 at 7:52 pm

    […] I’m attending public hearings for the fees committee. On Tuesday I’m attending my first CLE class. Oh, and that memo is due for legal writing… hm! 1 “Behind” as in reading the […]

  • My first CLE class « No 634
    March 5, 2009 at 9:32 pm

    […] 5, 2009 by Jansen Even with The Awful looming in the background, I took a few hours to go to my very first CLE class: “Challenging Gender Bias with Positive Role Models in Theater, Society, and […]


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