humor / overheard / the cases

Civpro & Random/mess

Everything is funny right now. I might be delusional from my 7-hour fees committee meeting and two hours of Civil Procedure reading…but I suspect not.

What’s so funny? Well, Stella and I are at the Purple Onion Cafe, and the guy in line at the register is saying this to his female friend (verbatim):
Guy in Line: “Do you just not shower? Is that how your hair gets so nice? It’s cute. I think it’s cute. IT’S CUTE!”
I snicker about this and then read the following hypo in my book:

“Would it have made a difference if the product that exploded had been a toaster that the defendant also manufactured and distributed only in the Northeast?”

I think things have reached that point where it’s best to close the book and walk away…


  • Chère
    February 16, 2009 at 12:27 am

    one of the cases we read in civ pro was talking about parents sending their kids from the east coast to the west coast (i think it had something to do with consenting to jx) and the judge asked if it would make a difference if, instead of a teenager, the father had sent a package of explosives. the editors asked in the footnote if there was really a difference between the two 🙂

  • Jansen
    February 16, 2009 at 5:01 pm

    Was that the case where the mother went from NY to Haiti to get the divorce before randomly moving to California? And the California courts tried to issue a child support order?


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