legal humor

Contracts & the Ridiculous Stache

Yar! So, my first real day of law school homework is over. I did the assignment for my contracts class, which consisted of three parts: reading the syllabus, and two reading assignments.

The first reading assignment was a brief history of Anglo-American contract law. It read exactly like a history text for undergrad. Good. I was a history major. I like these things.

The second part of the reading involved Mutual Assent and Consideration, and a case Ray v. Eurice Brothers, which was hilarious.

Basically, Ray was a seriously OCD engineer who wanted to build a house. Ray had very specific requirements for exactly what material and building method was to be used.

The Eurice Brothers were two easy-going local builders.

They met, drew up plans, which Ray and his attorney changed to meet Ray’s OCD-whims.

Ray presented the new set of plans in a contract with the Eurice Brothers, including the cost of the building project. The Eurice Brothers signed ASSUMING the plans & specifications were those from the first meeting.

And of course, they were wrong. The Bros realize this a month later, and say “These requirements are ridiculous! We aren’t building this house with this crazy-talk! We thought we signed up for something else!”

So Ray sues.

And the judge says, “you could have intended anything, but you signed a contract that says this. So thou art the weakest link, goodbye.”

I was laughing throughout the case. Pure hilarity. I love it.

I hope tomorrow’s work (Torts!) is as fun.

OH, and part of my gitty mood as to do with my new haircut – I went to Target today and bought a cheap pair of clippers. I shaved my head and gave myself a ridiculous trucker mustache.

Yes. I did.

It’s goofy and makes people laugh. It’s impossible to be a depressed law student while sporting such an obviously ridiculous stache.

Think Jack Black in Margot at the Wedding.

Tomorrow: Briefing and Torts.


  • Lawful Lady
    September 1, 2008 at 5:07 pm

    Pure awesomeness. That’s all I have to say about the stache. Also, that case was my first contracts case too!

  • Kel
    September 1, 2008 at 11:01 pm

    You are so hawt!

  • dennisjansen
    September 1, 2008 at 9:24 pm

    Thanks! I hope they are all this funny.

  • dennisjansen
    September 2, 2008 at 7:30 am

    lol, thanks all. 😀

  • j
    September 2, 2008 at 6:52 am

    from nyc — i been reading this as it is a hilarious take on the admissions process / start of law school, and you have a great attitude about it in general.
    that stache is wonderful. also, your gym devotion is admirable. 545 am? more coffee? i can only drag my ass there at the end of the day, if at all.


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