Junior Year


Preparation for Ernesto, the shower with a name, ushered in the week but amounted to little more than a two days off school, wind, some rain, and a ton of duty drama for us.

Spent a lot of time holed up in the dorm room with the roommate, video games, junk food, comedy central, fucking kangaroos and hanky codes. Wednesday was the military ball at the Morgue with Alexandra, who placed third…fun night, usual people. Denny’s afterwards with our favorite waitress.

South Beach – gallery opening after party with JHR … sketchball artists with bad paintings, McDonald’s, stray dogs… yeah, complete waste of time. Friday night I stayed in the dorm and just entertained/was entertained by a constant flow of people… loud Islanders, screaming Kerry-look alike (say the Islanders) arguing the law, Alexandra stopping by, plate errands, other residents.

A quiet, sweeping sense of apathy prevailed this week – I’ve wasted a lot of time – next week will be intense.

Oh, and randomly, we went to a house party:


  • mcpuggington
    September 3, 2006 at 11:59 pm

    the yearbook looks amazing
    – you should be proud!!

    ~ EJ

  • princebuster
    September 9, 2006 at 3:24 am

    How are we friends, I wonder?

  • mcpuggington
    September 11, 2006 at 1:28 am

    i thought this might interest you;

    best wishes,
    ~ EJ

    • mcpuggington
      September 13, 2006 at 4:38 am

      rad! make something awesome for it!!



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