There were some Monday-night shenanigans this week.
As if the Erika Jayne concert and being selected for the campaign weren’t exciting enough, Michael and I decided to continue the fun at the Stoli Key West Cocktail Classic on Monday night.
Even though we have seen the advertisements for this event for weeks, we did not seriously consider going to it until we bumped into Stoli LGBT ambassadorffat the Erika Jayne show.
Patrik reminded us that the Key West Cocktail Classic was happening and told us to RSVP.
Apparently only Michael got the message – RSVP’s were already closed by the time I got around to the website. However Patrik got me a wristband anyway.
The Key West Cocktail Classic as totally worth it.
I expected the cocktail classic to look more like a career fair (booths with several sample-sized cocktails.) It turned out to be a full show hosted by Patrik and local gay celebrity Steve Kemble.
Real Housewife LeeAnne Locken was also three as a judge.

The celebrity judges at the Stoli cocktail classic including Steve Kemble and LeeAnne Locken.
Most of the major gay bars on the strip were represented at the mix-off.
The owner of Liquid Zoo was also a participant – she was a stand-in for one of her bartenders who is recovering from cancer.
Everyone did a good job (except for the bartender from Alexandre’s, who decided to serve a “martini” in plastic.) The winner was the “wildcard” contestant from the Round-Up. He certainly put in the work by giving a super energetic cheerleader performance.
When the mix off goes all the way left. #stoli #Dallas #instagay #texas
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At the Stoli Cocktail Classic hosted by the Round-Up Saloon in Oak Lawn, Dallas.

Round-up bartender Rocky was the winner of the Stoli cocktail classic at the Round-up in Dallas.

Round-up bartender Rocky was the winner of the Stoli cocktail classic at the Round-up in Dallas.
The night didn’t end at the Round-up!
Afterward we stopped by J.R.’s for the drag show. Most of the people that we saw at the Key West Classic were also there.
Kind of a late night for a Monday, but well worth it!
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