Life / picture of the day

Dead Toads…

I came home yesterday and two of my four toads were dead.

All the plants in the tank were dead too. I have no idea what happened, but I was over it. I phoned Petsmart and told them that they were taking my remaining frogs back. I then chucked everything in the tank.


By the time I got Petsmart I was pretty cranky. I didn’t buy a fish net and had to pluck the dead toads out of the tank with my hands. Let’s think about that for a second. Dead toad. Bare hands. Dis-gusting.

And yes, handling a dead toad is worse than handling a dead fish… I could still feel the slime as I drove to the store…

The Petsmart manager was nice. He could see that I was annoyed and grossed out, so he didn’t bitch at me for killing two animals. He also, somehow, managed to sell me an allegedly hardier pet. We’ll see how this goes…

Yes. It was gross.1

1 I bleached my hands afterward. And no, that picture is not of a dead toad. I wouldn’t do that to you…

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