dogs / Lowertown

Frisbees and Fires

Gunter the Chiweenie and his Easter costume.

It’s around 7:30 a.m. when I walk into the Dunn Brothers Coffee shop near the Excel Center. There are three baristas behind the counter, and two cops inside.

Me: “Hi. I’m going to come back for coffee in a second, but first can I have three large cups of water? There’s a fire at McGovern’s.”

The baristas look at me like I’m crazy. (The cops too.) So I try again.

Me: “You know McGovern’s? The bar across the street? Well I was walking past it with my dogs and I noticed the planter smoking. I think someone tried to put a cigarette out in the dirt last night. I don’t want to come back around later and see the building gone…”

One of the baristas carries the water out with me. The planter is full of charred, smoking dirt, which we douse.

The cops are walking out of Dunn Brothers as the barista and I return.

Cop: “I hear you guys put out a little fire for your neighbors. Thanks for that!”

Barista: “Yeah! We are like junior firefighters! What an exciting shift!”

The whole time my dogs are tied up next to the Dunn Brothers staring at us.

The rest of the dog walk was uneventful, but later in the afternoon we tried to play frisbee with the dogs by the river.

It didn’t go as planned.

Gunter the Chiweenie and his Easter costume.

The dogs are absolutely uninterested in frisbees.

We tried so hard to get the dogs into chasing the frisbee, but they weren’t having it.

Mitchell and I just ended up tossing the frisbee to each other while the dogs ran around.
Hugo the Lab/Greyhound mix.
Gunter the Chiweenie and his Easter costume.

We started watching My 600 Pound Life right before taking the dogs out, so the game was welcome exercise, even if we were the only ones playing.

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