legal humor / the cases

From Today’s Tort reading

So a dog walks into a bar…
A bartender allows an Akita to remain in a bar and the dog bites one of the customers in the face. Was the bar negligent? (Rowland v. Log Cabin Inc. 2003) Issue is “Whether a reasonable person would have realized that a large, unknown dog roaming free in a small bar with drunken patrons involved an unreasonable risk of harm is a question for a jury.”
Standard of care for the duller light bulbs…
“If, for instance, a man is born hasty and awkward, is always hurting himself or his neighbors, no doubt his congenital defects will be allowed for in the courts of Heaven, but his slips are no less troublesome to his neighbors than if they sprang from guilty neglect.”
And if he’s drunk…
“A drunken man is as much entitled to a safe street as a sober one, and much more in need of it.”
Mommy, why is the snow red?
“Billy Anderson, age 13 years, was driving a snowmobile belonging to defendant Lindsay, pulling plaintiff Kelly Robinson on an innertube attached to the snowmobile. Plaintiff’s thumb was severed when it was caught in the tow rope. The thumb was reattached, but not still fully functional at time of trial…”
FYI: In this case the court held that children who operate motorized vehicles are held to an adult standard of care.

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