unsolicited advice

FYI – for those in corporations

I returned the massive statute book for Corporate law. I thought, “It’s online. I’m never carrying that book anywhere…so why waste $30?”

Well, after I got my $30 back, I realized that I don’t know how to find any of the statutes online. Great.

After some tech support time I figured out how to pull up DGCL (Delaware General Corporation Law) and RMBCA (Revised Model Business Corporation Act) on Westlaw:

To pull up the RMBCA on Westlaw use “CHCORP APP A

To find the DGCL use 8 Del.C. and the section number.
Example: For section 141, do a citation search for “8 Del C 141

I’ll figure out how to find these on Lexis this weekend…

1 Comment

  • Oops: Busted in Corps. « No 634
    February 12, 2009 at 11:20 am

    […] Whether Winter Break is the reason nobody read the statutes is another matter… * And by the way, if anyone in Corps wants to pull up the statutes on Westlaw, that post is here. […]


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