I am moving to a bigger apartment in just two weeks.
Well, I am supposed to move into a new apartment in two weeks. The apartment transfer process is unexpectedly painful and we still do not have a proper lease for the new unit.
Assuming that I can eventually get a new lease for the apartment, I will have to figure out how to set up my home office. This means spending an inordinate amount of time lusting over designer home offices and coveting furniture that I will never be able to squeeze into my bedroom.
A boy can dream, right?
Let’s go down this rabbit hole with my current inspiration board.
First, there are the insanely expensive home-office options over at Restoration Hardware et. al.
Restoration Hardware is a fantasy for me. It’s beautiful, aspirational, and utterly out of my budget.
This doesn’t mean I won’t gawk anyway…
These Options are Mostly Non-Functional
Price aside, these high-end home offices seem to exist in a world without cords, docking stations, or multiple monitors.
And what exactly are those oversized books in the pictures anyway? Is that a Highland Park thing? Are these ancient books that contain the secrets of how to get rich quick?
Does Donald Trump have books like this in his home office?
Speculation aside, I then turn to Apartment Therapy more for realistic home office inspiration:
(Click each image for the original post).
Although fantasizing about home offices is fun, it is ultimately a waste of time.
I won’t really know what my home office is going to look like until all of the furniture is in the new apartment.
I likely won’t have any fancy mood boards because my monitors are gigantic, and I also prefer to put my desk right up to a window.
But perhaps this is the year where my home office no longer looks like it belongs to a day trader with a junk mail hoarding problem. We’ll see.
Pictures to come!
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