unsolicited advice

How to use Twitter

A handful of people use twitter at my law school.1 Everyone else is asking about it, or just confused. Here’s a simple introduction and guide to twitter and twhirl.

What is Twitter?
Twitter is a microblogging tool that allows you to send short, quick updates called tweets. It’s basically like the “status message” on facebook, or your “away message” on an instant messenger program.

Twitter asks a simple question: “What are you doing?” You have to keep your answer under 140 characters.

Need more info? There’s a short explanatory video here, and a lengthy NYT article here. (The video is very helpful.)

What’s the point?
There are several neat uses for twitter.

  • Stay in contact with friends and family. You can use twitter to update your facebook status, webpage, and even receive updates on your phone.
  • News! Every news organization uses twitter. You can receive live updates from CNN, BBC, NYTimes, and even interact with anchors like Greta Van Susteren and Rick Sanchez during their shows.
  • Celebrities! Receive updates from Obama, Britney Spears, and countless others.Yes, even Lolcats are on twitter.
  • Networking: Twitter lets you connect with people from all over the world. Yes, including job recruiters.
  • Trending: You can follow the discussion of topics in real time. For example, this is the page for the discussion of the blizzard in Minnesota.
  • Local Interest: Is school canceled because of the snow? Is your bus on time? Twitter can help you find out.  Examples: Washington DC uses twitter for transit line information, the University of Minnesota has an official twitter feed, and well as some libraries, local pizza places, and coffee shops. Local restaurants have started using twitter for promotions (ie, print this tweet and get a free pizza!)

How do I start?

  1. Sign up for Twitter at
  2. Download a Twitter client.
  3. Start writing tweets.
  4. Start following people to view their tweets. (following is like subscribing to someone’s updates.)

Twitter Client? Huh?
A Twitter client is software that works with Twitter. Installing a Twitter client is like installing AOL instant messenger or MSN messenger… except for Twitter. I use Twhirl, but many people use Tweetdeck.

Twhirl notifies me when someone that I’m following sends an update (tweets)

This is what twirl looks like on the desktop:

This is a closeup. Twhirl resembles a mini chatroom:

When you click on a user’s name you can view multiple updates from that user.

Here are some quick tips to communicate with other twitter users:


  • @username sends a public message to that user. So if you write,
    @ Hey! I know how to use twitter now! Holla!
  • Then I would receive that message. Everyone who follows your tweets can also see these messages.

DIRECT MESSAGING: There might be some things that you don’t want to broadcast to the world:

  • d username sends a direct message to that user. So if you write,
    d Hey! I know how to use twitter now! And I really hate Jill from Torts.
  • Then only I would know what a mean, spiteful person you are.

HASH TAGS: You can participate in a larger discussion by using a pound sign (#) in front of a word.

For example, if I wanted my update to appear on the page about food, I can add a pound sign (#) in front of the word food:

“I had some great #food today.”

1 And everyone else is asking me for some reason! It’s much easier to link here than to keep re-explaining twitter!


  • gudnuff
    February 26, 2009 at 10:41 pm

    I just wrote pages and pages on your comment form here, then thought, well, that’s kinda rude. So I’ve posted it on my blog instead. In short, thanks for this post. But I have some tangential points worth considering (well, maybe they’re worthy of consideration, and maybe they’re not).

  • Chère
    February 26, 2009 at 11:05 pm

    prof torts today: “blah blah blah they’re all a-twitter. well, today they might actually be Twittering!” [waiting for laughter]
    *dead silence*
    girl next to me: what is he talking about?
    me: Twitter
    girl: what??

    maybe I’ll email her this post 🙂


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