Visits from mom are great.
In addition to the joy of seeing family, and an excuse to do touristy things, visits from my mother also have very practical benefits – like preventing my apartment from burning down.
When my mother was in town, she noticed a very odd smell coming from my laundry closet.
“You know it’s not supposed to have a burning smell when you dry clothes, right?” she said. “There’s not supposed to be lint everywhere either.”
Apparently the leasing company installed my dryer incorrectly – specifically the big silver vent hose was disconnected from the wall. This means that lint was not making it out of the laundry room at all.
The washer company repairman came and said that this was the worst lint build-up he has never seen. Unscrewing the back of the dryer revealed a thick blanket of burnt lint.
Behind the washer was a ton of lint too.

Significant Dryer Lint Buildup
Everything got cleared and reconnected with only a single blown fuse.
Cleaning up the lint was gross, but least the place didn’t burn down.
Thanks mom!
As an aside – the fact that I have to buy or lease a washer and dryer in my apartment is completely bizarre to me. The vast majority of units in Miami and Minnesota come either with in-unit laundry machines or at least an on-site laundry facility.
At my Texas building, there are only “hookups” for laundry machines. This is would be unheard of in Minnesota or Miami at this price point. Another weird Texas quirk, I suppose.
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