Just Sayin

The insurance game

Man on laptop at cafe by Tim Gouw via Unsplash.

Yesterday began with a ridiculous conversation with a hospital and my insurer. The hospital treated me last year for a bullet wound. I gave my insurance information to the hospital, paid my co-pay, and thought it was a done dada.

Then I get this random $58 bill on Friday, about a year and a half after being treated.

The hospital’s bill does not say what it is for. It just says, “Your responsibility: $58. Pay us. K, Thanks.”

I call the hospital:

Hospital Billing Rep: “Hello! What’s your name, social, date of birth, and favorite soda brand? How can I help you?”
Me: “I have a bill for $58.”
Hospital Billing Rep: “What is it for?”
Me: “I dunno, you tell me.”
Hospital Billing Rep: “Oh, your insurer must have denied coverage for a test. Get on that. Call them. Call us back.”
Me: “Mmkay.”

So I call the insurer. Get transferred around, and finally reach someone:

Insurer: “Hay!”
Me: “I have a bill from a hospital.”
Insurer: “What is it for?”
Me: “They don’t know. They said to call you.”
Insurer: “Hm. We probably denied it because you had another insurer! Did you have another insurer?”
Me: “No.”
Insurer: “Hm. Let me look into this matter further. Listen to Muzak for 10 minutes. Brbz.”

I then wait.

Insurer: “Hay! So, we figured out the issue – the doctor didn’t substantiate why a test was necessary.”
Me: “Yes, we dealt with that issue a few months ago. The hospital supplemented the records right?”
Insurer: “Yes. I see those here now! What a surprise. Well, we will get this to our super-special resolution team. It will take at least 15 days for them to give you a decision and 30 days for us to notify anyone in writing. You should call the hospital so they don’t send your ass to collections. Kay? PEACE!”
Me: “Okay…”

I then call the hospital back.

Hospital Billing Rep: “What did you find out, cupcake?”
Me: “They denied coverage initially because the doctor didn’t prove the test was necessary.”
Hospital Billing Rep: “Yes! I see that here, but we sent the supplementary files to the insurer months ago.”
Me: “I know. And they just realized it. So it will take 15 days for a committee to figure things out and at least 30 days for them to notify you in writing.”
Hospital Billing Rep: “That’s ridiculous.”
Me: “I know.”
Hospital Billing Rep: “Well, thanks for calling us back. You should check in with the insurer every two weeks anyway or pay us because we won’t hold your account and might still send your shit to collections. Have a great day!”
Me: “…thanks.”

I’m officially the middle-man here. Ugh.

I could just pay the $58, but I don’t want to subsidize incompetence on principle. We’ll see if a collector starts calling before the insurer figures it out.


  • Gary
    September 27, 2010 at 4:50 pm

    Hearing stories like this makes me want to cuss somone out.

    I had a situation a few years ago when I needed physical therapy. I scheduled an appointment with the PT clinic after they said they accepted my health insurance plan. After the services were rendered, all $900 worth, I found out from my insurance company that the clinic didn’t accept my health insurance plan. I was livid. After a phone call to the PT clinic, they let the charges go. I was lucky in that case.

    • Jansen
      September 27, 2010 at 4:51 pm

      Well yeah, because you might have had a fraud/equitable estoppel claim against them otherwise. I just hope I don’t get booted into collections.

  • butterflyfish
    September 28, 2010 at 5:05 am

    I had almost this exact situation… fast forward a few weeks, insurer said everything was fine, hospital said everything was fine. Then I got a collection notice. Get that ‘everything is fine’ shit in writing, bro.

    • Jansen
      September 28, 2010 at 11:36 am

      Ugh. I’m just going to keep calling the hospital and insurer to make sure that doesn’t happen. They just both forgot about the situation (it has been 16 months!) and then the hospital is all, “Oh wait, we need to get paid.”

  • Beth
    September 29, 2010 at 8:46 am

    Don’t stress about it. Going into collections isn’t really as horrible as it’s cracked up to be, especially for medical debt, especially for a small bill.
    Odds are very, very high that this bill would never be credit reported *even if* it was never paid – most hospitals won’t credit report bills under a few hundred or even a thousand dollars. More typically, they won’t credit report anything.

    Collection agencies probably wouldn’t try to get a judgment for such a small bill. Even if they did, they wouldn’t do it within a month.

    Worst case scenario, they’ll call you a few times and ask you to pay. Dispute the debt, and they have to provide verification and give you 30 days to respond to it….

    I was a debt collector for a few years, and we’re more toothless than people think. The only thing we can do on most medical bills is ask for money, and cry if you decline to pay

    • Jansen
      September 29, 2010 at 4:03 pm

      You were a debt collector and opted for law school?! Sigh. I’ll pay it if it is legitimately something that isn’t covered, but I’m not about the mystery charges.

  • 3L fall in review
    March 18, 2016 at 8:09 pm

    […] My insurer drives me nuts. […]


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