
Jansen takes a tumble

I don’t really believe in Karma, but let’s call it that anyway: last night was a study in schadenfreude. I watched B. Scott’s commentary video on “Scarlet Takes a Tumble” about four times. I showed it to housemates. We laughed. I was on the floor crying with laughter at one point. Yes it was that serious…

“Scarlet Takes a Tumble” is the new viral-video-of-the-moment. It features an overweight girl singing. Scarlet gets up, put some heels on, and stands on a coffee table.

And then, of course, one-two-three WHAM! She falls. It’s hilarious. It is. Actually, it’s not as funny as B. Scott’s commentary video. Watch it. You’ll understand.

So, the little Karma Buddha in the sky, (or in Wisconsin, however this thing works…) took note. Karma Buddha saw me on the ground laughing at Scarlet and her misfortune, and he said, “Beyotch, I shall smite thine ass.”

Today I got my comeuppance: I’m cycling back to school after eating lunch at home. I’m biking on the sidewalk and approach 10th avenue. There is a church-like-thing on the corner with an extremely high yard that comes down to meet the sidewalk. The yard of the church is so high that it obscures the 10th avenue sidewalk, so I couldn’t see the easel for Burrito Loco (a local restaurant), which was in the MIDDLE of the sidewalk, right around the corner…

I see the easel. I brake. My tires slip on the leaves and then catch. I fly over my bicycle and PANCAKE ON THE GROUND, VAM! and my bike crashes on top of me

A biker across the street comes over, “Oh my god! Are you alright!?”

I mumble something and scramble to save my coffee tumbler from rolling into the street. I then thank the biker for his concern and try to find my water bottle, which flew somewhere…

I finally find my water bottle when another biker with wild red hair comes up. “Dude! That was the COOLEST THING I’VE EVER SEEN!”

“Why thank you,” I said. At least someone thought impromptu flight lesson was que badass. I then booked it across the bridge to torts.

So dear Karma Buddha, dear KB, or B-town, or whatever you’re called. I get it. Nice one. But Scarlet’s tumble is still hilarious.


  • Gary
    August 13, 2010 at 10:23 am

    That clip of the woman on the table was featured on Tosh.0 last season or maybe even this one. He even brought her into the show for a ‘web redemption!’

    (I’m slowly making my way through your blog from 1L to the present.)

    • Jansen
      August 13, 2010 at 2:35 pm

      Haha, I noticed!


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