
Joy in Law

Oh law school discussion… someone posted this:
I’m graduating from UC Berkeley with a 3.85 GPA in May and am strongly considering law school. A friend of mine currently at Boalt Law School recently commented:

“Law school is where happiness goes to die.”

I realize law school is hard, but would you say its generally harder than most other graduate courses of study? In particular, as a somewhat spiritually-attuned person, I aim to preserve some amount of joy in my life amid obligations which might run counter. To this end, I have had some concern whether I’ll be able to maintain my spiritual vitality amid the rigid pedantry of law school.

This aspect of my quality of life is very important to me, and so I’ve wondered what kind of person law school might cause me to become. I’ve said to myself: Whatever happens, I will not allow law school to violate my spirituality; I will keep a distance between the two so that both can co-exist. Do you believe this is possible, or do you think that anyone in law school is condemned to some degree of spiritual alienation?

More generally, I’d be interested in hearing of your law school experience in this context, as well your experience in your present job. Are/were you unhappy? Do/did you feel that you’ve made the wrong decision? What is/was your daily experience like? Do/did you have time for relationships and engagement with things you’re passionate about? Do/did you feel that the study and practice of law may have sapped your capacity for joy?
(cough) let’s leave the writing skills alone for a minute… Someone responded with:
Honestly, I don’t think [you have] the personality to become a lawyer. Or at least not a BigLaw lawyer. Maybe alternative dispute resolution or a yoga career is for you.
Best response ever.


  • Patrick
    January 25, 2009 at 5:08 pm

    Boalt student here.

    Law school will not destroy your spiritual vitality, nor will it make you become somebody else. Don’t fall for the hype; law school is school.

    Deciding not to follow a path that interests you, and then wondering if you make a mistake . . . now THAT is a spiritual vitality killer.


  • Jansen
    January 25, 2009 at 5:30 pm

    I totally agree.


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